2nd Moise Architectural Seminar
- 26th – 29th of August 2022
- Moise Palace
- Program_M.A.S_2022.
M.A.S. is a platform to share experiences, ideas, and desires, among faculties, fellows and candidates engaged in research about architectural design, history and theory
The two sessions focus on two different aspects of research and dissemination.
In session 1, researchers will have the possibility to visit with experts in the field of architectural history, design, heritage renovation and interior design, some of the masterpieces of the architecture of this area. The participants will have the possibility to discuss the state of the studies, the renovation procedures, the historical and political context that produced them.
In session 2, the focus is on In session 2, the focus is on research methodology. A series of short interventions, mostly of research fellows and PhD candidates, will explain a position, about methods and goals. The discussion will open a debate considering interactions with other disciplines, like history, philosophy, and others, and exploring the relationship between theory and design, in their multiple possible overlappings.
Scientific Board
Petar Bojanić (IFDT, University of Belgrade; CAS, University of Rijeka), Pippo Ciorra (Villard PhD Program, Iuav Università di Venezia), Giovanni Corbellini (Politecnico di Torino), Vladan Djokić (University of Belgrade), Giovanni Durbiano (DeltaLab, University of Rijeka; Politecnico di Torino), Ida Križaj Leko (DeltaLab, University of Rijeka), Sara Marini (Iuav Università di Venezia), Morana Matković (DeltaLab, University of Rijeka), Alessandro Rocca (Auid PhD Program, Politecnico di Milano), Luka Skansi (Politecnico di Milano), Snežana Milano), Snežana Vesnić (Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade)
Petar Bojanić (IFDT, University of Belgrade; CAS, University of Belgrade) Snežana Vesnić (Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade) Miloš Ćipranić (Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade) Luka Skansi (Politecnico di Milano) Pippo Ciorra (Villard PhD Program, Iuav Università di Venezia) Giovanni Corbellini (Politecnico di Torino) Manuel Orazi (Quodlibet, Macerata) Špela Hudnik (University of Ljubljana) Emil Jurcan (University of Ljubljana) Luca di Lorenzo Latini (SAAD Unicam, Ascoli) Nikolina Jelavić Mitrović (exhibition designer) Ida Križaj Le Ida Križaj Leko (DeltaLab, University of Rijeka)

UNIRI The Moise Palace: Cres Island
An education center of the University of Rijeka. A five-hundred-year-old patrician townhouse and the largest Renaissance palace on the Croatian islands. A venue and forum for various scientific and research activities, it welcomes visiting academics, students and scholars.