On Thursday, May 16th, 2024 at 13:00 (CET), we are hosting the CAS SEE Seminar with Valentina Moro on “Toward a Theory of Assembly grounded on Vulnerability” in conversation with the CAS SEE Executive Director prof. Sanja Bojanić.

Valentina Moro
Valentina Moro is Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellow at the University of Verona. She was visiting scholar at DePaul University in 2022 and 2023 and at Brown University in 2016 and 2017. After earning her doctoral degree at the University of Padua, she obtained postdoctoral fellowships at the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici and at the Center for Advanced Studies of Southeastern Europe before joining the Philosophy department in Verona. Her research in feminist philosophy adopts an interdisciplinary approach, intersecting classical antiquity and continental political philosophy. Her first book, titled Il teatro della polis. Filosofia dell’agonismo tragico (The Theater of the Polis. Philosophy of Tragic Agonism), has just been published by ETS Pisa. Currently engaged in a three-year research project titled Choreographies of Vulnerability: Toward a New Public Ethics of Care, she seeks to establish a foundation for a public ethics of care rooted in a philosophical understanding of vulnerability.
About the Seminar
Valentina Moro coined the notion of ‘choreographies of vulnerability and care’ to define public concerted actions – like the ones performed by Ni Una Menos on the occasion of March 8th – in which bodies gather with the goal of questioning and transforming the existing social structures and normative expectations that reproduce structural forms of violence. They do this by adopting a specific narration of vulnerability as being embodied and situated. Moro uses the term “choreographies” because the strike demonstrations stage their own communality while transforming the very idea of community by adopting, as it happens in the assembly, expectations of mutual respect and care among the participants.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 889 8964 3663
Passcode: 328897
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