5th Summer School “The Project of Theory”
Filip Lukic2022-10-22T11:30:06+02:00May 6, 2022|
Workshop: Science and Communication
Tina2022-11-29T11:41:25+01:00April 6, 2022|
SCIENTIFIC MATINEE IN MOISE – “Who is still afraid of the Internet?”
Filip Lukic2022-10-18T14:00:11+02:00April 3, 2022|
UNIRI FIELDWORK – Visual Communication and Graphic Design MA students
Filip Lukic2022-10-19T10:53:33+02:00March 25, 2022|
Workshop: Who are we today, what do we do, what occupies us? – an art game of collage and color
Filip Lukic2022-10-19T10:04:00+02:00March 13, 2022|
Academia in the Wild: Combating Historical Revisionism in Eastern Europe
Filip Lukic2022-10-16T13:16:33+02:00March 4, 2022|