On Thursday, July 18th, 2024 at 12:00 PM (CET), we are hosting the CAS SEE Seminar with Vlado Danailov on “Urban lived quality of public spaces. Places of conflict and encounter in the case of Skopje” in conversation with the RECAS Fellow Ivana Angelova.

Vlado Danailov
Vlado Danailov is an instructor at the International Design and Architecture Program (INDA) at the Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok. Vlado is trained as an architect and finds his joy in the history and theory of architecture, eager to share this passion through teaching and research. With a Master’s degree from the Faculty of Architecture in Skopje, he pursued further research at the Strelka Institute in Moscow. He is interested in studying the fringes of architecture and its cultural intersections as reflected in his project, Beyond the Façade, showcased at the XVI Architecture Biennale in Venice. He is also a cofounder of Studio 90 and editor-in-chief of Arhi.tek. and collaborates with artists on designing exhibitions, aiming to create a delicate, profound understanding of the spaces we inhabit.
About the Seminar
This presentation focuses on a case study of the recent renovation of the governmental building in Skopje, which has not only transformed the structure itself but also imposed a completely different character on the surrounding public space. The proposal outlines a scenario for re-imagining this space, aiming to re-examine the ideas of openness and freedom. Viewing the public space around the government building as an integral and inseparable part of the city raises the need to negotiate between the physical, symbolic, and programmatic aspects of two opposing forces: the holders of executive power and the civic nature of the park. Inspired by the writings of Živko Popovski, Danailov would like to dwell on the idea of freedom as a concept and the city as a phenomenon.
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Meeting ID: 889 8964 3663
Passcode: 328897
Fellowships are supported by OSF Western Balkans, ERSTE Foundation and Rockefeller Brothers Fund.
UNIRI The Moise Palace: Cres Island
An education center of the University of Rijeka. A five-hundred-year-old patrician townhouse and the largest Renaissance palace on the Croatian islands. A venue and forum for various scientific and research activities, it welcomes visiting academics, students and scholars.