The Erhard Busek Awards for Engaged Artists by the ERSTE Foundation were awarded on the 28th of October 2022.


Just hours before he suddenly passed away in March 2022, Erhard Busek, the Viennese and European “Tausendsassa” par excellence, always on the move and ready for debate, challenge and action, was sitting still in the charitable concert for Ukraine, finding solace in arts. Erhard lived his life as a zoon politicon until his last breath. Yes, politics was his passion, which he lived up to tirelessly.

He was a giant of inspiration for others, inspired by the Gustav Mahler Youth Orchestra, which he led as president. In his engagement for No Borders Orchestra. As the initiator of Franz Werfel-Stipendium for young writers. In theater performances and numerous exhibitions. Touring the Balkans region with an exhibition of young Kosovars and young Serbs a few years ago, Erhard Busek was proud of all capable of transcending boundaries through the tender yet powerful act of engagement – of engaged arts.

Seeking consolation and finding the power to engage and to act, to reshape and change even the smallest piece of our world, is the work of a lifetime but yet the work that can be savored in a single moment.

Erhard Busek found solace in music on the last day of his life, hoping that arts would wash away people’s pain in war and pave the way to another, better future.

UNIRI The Moise Palace: Cres Island

An education center of the University of Rijeka. A five-hundred-year-old patrician townhouse and the largest Renaissance palace on the Croatian islands. A venue and forum for various scientific and research activities, it welcomes visiting academics, students and scholars.