Engaged and Applied Philosophy:
The Social Role of Contemporary Theory

Complex social, political, and economic problems burden our contemporary world. Although philosophers once directly addressed the significant issues of their day, philosophy nowadays is often perceived as an exercise in abstract reflection that abstains from the complexities of the real world. In stark contrast to this received idea, this conference aims to reinvigorate the notion of philosophy as an engaged endeavor to tackle the problems of our time and culture by exploring the conceptual differences between engaged and applied philosophy. Participants consider the role that philosophers should play in the modern world and the place of philosophy in contemporary scientific discourse.
On the occasion of the conference and as a regional partner of the Center for Advanced Studies Southeast Europe, the Institute of Philosophy and Social Theory of the University of Belgrade confers Jonathan Wolff the award for critical engagement considering Prof. Wolff as one of the leading theorists whose work produces significant repercussions in social practice.
During his long academic career, Jonathan Wolff engaged with various topics in political and moral philosophy. In his scholarly work, Wolff develops the idea of a “society of equals,” analysing disadvantages within the vital socio-political controversies such as drug regulation, animal experiments, gambling, immigration, labor regulation, and morality of developing using new technologies.
UNIRI The Moise Palace: Cres Island
An education center of the University of Rijeka. A five-hundred-year-old patrician townhouse and the largest Renaissance palace on the Croatian islands. A venue and forum for various scientific and research activities, it welcomes visiting academics, students and scholars.