We are excited to announce the launch of our HORIZON PROJECT: Geo-Power-EU!

GEO-POWER-EU aims to empower the EU to manage security threats in its Eastern Neighbourhood and the Western Balkans amidst a deteriorating geopolitical environment. The project’s primary ambition is to surpass current standards and develop a comprehensive EU strategy for these regions, utilizing new and reformed policy instruments while considering the strategic ambitions of other geopolitical actors.

To achieve this, GEO-POWER-EU’s work plan is built on six specific objectives: proposing adaptations to the EU Enlargement policy to reflect new realities; examining the relevance of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) and providing policy recommendations for its reform; assessing the influence of other geopolitical actors, including the United States, Russia, China, and Turkey, in these regions; offering strategic foresight on the prospects of geopolitical competition in these areas; exploring ways to enhance the EU’s ability to contain military threats from beyond its borders; and proposing a comprehensive, multidimensional EU strategy to guide relations with Western Balkan and Eastern Partnership countries.

The project’s research aims to advance beyond the current state of the art by developing a new conceptual and policy framework using both quantitative and qualitative methods. Methodologically, GEO-POWER-EU leverages cutting-edge expertise from various disciplines, implementing a multi-stage plan grounded in a participatory and inclusive approach. This approach involves systematic engagement of researchers from third institutions, decision-makers, stakeholders, and citizens—including those from the regions under analysis—throughout the project cycle.

List of partners involved:

● European Neighbourhood Council (ENC), Belgium

● University of the Peloponnese (UOP), Greece

● Kentro Erevnon Notioanatolikis Evropis Astiki Mi Kerdoskopiki Etaireia (SEERC), Greece

● Alma Mater Studiorum – Universita Di Bologna (UNIBO), Italy

● Wiener Institut Fur Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche (WIIW), Austria

● Sveučiliste u Rijeci (UNIRI), Croatia

● Institut Za Demokratija Societas Civilis Skopje (IDSCS), Republic Of North Macedonia

● Univerzitet U Beogradu – Fakultet Političkih Nauka (FPN), Serbia

● Vienneast Consulting Gmbh (Ve Insight), Austria

● Democratization Policy Council (DPC), Germany

● Institutul Pentru Dezvoltare Si Initiative Sociale Viitorul (Idis Viitorul), Moldova

● Odeskiy Nacionalniy Universitet Imeni I.I. Mechnikova (ONU), Ukraine

● Georgian Foundation For Strategic And International Studies (GFSIS), Georgia

● Utrikespolitiska Institutet Informationsavd (UII), Sweden

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

UNIRI The Moise Palace: Cres Island

An education center of the University of Rijeka. A five-hundred-year-old patrician townhouse and the largest Renaissance palace on the Croatian islands. A venue and forum for various scientific and research activities, it welcomes visiting academics, students and scholars.