On Thursday, June 6th 2024 at 17:00 (CET), we are hosting the CAS SEE Seminar with Lovro Kralj on „Mapping the Holocaust in the Independent State of Croatia: Presenting the First Major Digital Resource for Researching, Learning about, and Teaching on the Holocaust in the NDH“ in conversation with the RECAS Fellow Danijel Matijević.

Lovro Kralj
Lovro Kralj is an Assistant Professor at the History Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka. He has a PhD in history from the Central European University in Budapest/Vienna. His dissertation revolved around antisemitism in the Ustaša movement and the implementation of the Holocaust in the towns of Osijek, Sarajevo, and Križevci.
About the Seminar
In the field of Holocaust Studies, history of the Holocaust in the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) has largely occupied a peripheral position. Understudied in terms of research, misunderstood in terms of teaching, and difficult to approach in terms of learning, history of the Holocaust in the NDH, as well as broader history of Jewish communities in this region, has long been mainly the purview of scholars with access to archives and academic publications. Since January 2023, Lovro Kralj, Emil Kjerte, and Danijel Matijevic have pursued a project that aims to make this important history more accessible to broader audiences, including researchers, educators, and the general public. Titled “Mapping the Holocaust in the Independent State of Croatia,” the project revolves around a digital platform that maps the locations of Jewish life, persecution, and death in the territories that encompassed the former NDH, providing a historical overview of each location, original archival documentation, photographs, and testimonies – all available in English and BCMS. Made possible by a generous grant from the Conference on Jewish Material Claims against Germany, the platform was launched on May 1, 2024, and is now available for the general public. The online map currently features five locations, which are going to steadily multiply over the coming years. In his talk, Dr. Kralj will present the platform and its main features, as well as discuss the complexities of researching and teaching the Holocaust in Croatia and the broader region.
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Meeting ID: 889 8964 3663
Passcode: 328897
Fellowships are supported by OSF Western Balkans, ERSTE Foundation and Rockefeller Brothers Fund.
UNIRI The Moise Palace: Cres Island
An education center of the University of Rijeka. A five-hundred-year-old patrician townhouse and the largest Renaissance palace on the Croatian islands. A venue and forum for various scientific and research activities, it welcomes visiting academics, students and scholars.