On Thursday, May 25th at 12 PM (CET), we are hosting the CAS SEE Seminar with Edward P. Joseph on Ukraine’s Recognition of Kosovo Can Accelerate Critical US/EU Balkans Diplomacy, in conversation with our Fellow Christian Costamagna.

Edward P. Joseph
Johns Hopkins SAIS lecturer and senior fellow, foreign policy analyst, and field practitioner specializing in conflict management.
In May, 2012, as the US-nominated, Deputy Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Edward negotiated an eleventh-hour agreement between Belgrade and Pristina to hold Serbian national elections in Kosovo, averting a confrontation.
Drawing on his regional experience, he has authored dozens of articles, including on Zepa. His recent ’The Kyiv-Kosovo Catalyst’ explains how Ukraine’s recognition of Kosovo can accelerate US-EU diplomacy, inflicting a blow on Putin. The article is the most viewed ever on SAIS Review of International Affairs. Edward’s article, ‘The Balkans, Interrupted’, was a Foreign Affairs, ‘Best of the Year.’ Outside the Balkans, Edward has served in missions in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Haiti.
About the Seminar
On 18 March, Serbia and Kosovo hold the climactic meeting on the high-stakes EU proposal for a ‘path towards normalization.’ Whatever happens at the summit in Ohrid, North Macedonia, Kosovo will — still — not have a path towards NATO or EU membership. The US-backed, EU agreement does not yield a NATO or EU path for Kosovo, until the European non-recognizers sign on.
As a result, the entire agreement between Serbia and Kosovo is left uncertain. Serbia can continue its top priority mission of isolating Kosovo internationally by reliance on Russia (and China) at the UN and in other international organizations. Instead of bringing Belgrade closer to the EU, the EU proposal could see Serbian President Vucic even more dependent upon President Putin to ‘defend’ Kosovo at the UN. Johns Hopkins SAIS lecturer and senior fellow, Edward P. Joseph, elaborates his recent SAIS Review article (and his prior testimony before the UK Parliament) arguing for Ukraine’s recognition of Kosovo as the way to finally cut the Gordian Knot over Kosovo (‘The Kyiv-Kosovo Catalyst’.) Mr. Joseph explains why the Kosovo and Ukraine cases are each linked to the overarching need to preserve the European order — and how Putin exploits the deep European divide over Kosovo.
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Passcode: 328897
Fellowships are enabled by the ERSTE Foundation and Rockefeller Brothers Fund in the framework of supporting brain circulation for democratic development in Southeast Europe.
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