4th Moise Architectural Seminar & the 7th International Summer School “Architecture and Philosophy”

4-8 September 2024

We’re thrilled to share the highlights from the 4th Moise Architectural Seminar, held in the picturesque town of Cres. This year’s event, titled “Beyond,” was a groundbreaking exploration into the evolving landscape of architectural research, challenging conventional boundaries and fostering a multidimensional dialogue.

4th Moise Architectural Seminar entitled “Beyond” jointly organized by CAPRIS UKIM in Skopje and CAS SEE Uniri was held from September 4th to 7th 2024 at the Moise Palace in Cres with the opening address of madame Rector Prof. Dr. Biljana Angelova. In her address she has emphasized the fact that this is the first time that CAPRIS UKIM is organizing a scientific seminar abroad together with our partners. This is the best proof of the dedication of UKIM in Skopje to its strategic goals of internationalization and support of the young researchers and scientific research in general.

Prof. Dr. Ognen Marina, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture UKIM in Skopje and Director of CAPRIS UKIM in Skopje has welcomed the participants of the 4th Moise Architectural Seminar organized by CAPRIS UKIM in Skopje and CAS SEE Uniri at the Moise Palace in Cres. For him this is a unique opportunity for the invited speakers and young researchers to discuss the disciplinary framework of Architecture and to further expand the methodological tools of the profession and discipline by exploring what is “beyond” the discipline and the doctrine of the Architecture.

The distinguished keynote speaker, Dana Cuff from UCLA, alongside an esteemed lineup of lecturers including Prof. Dr. Per-Johan Dahl from Lund University, Prof. Dr. Michele Bonino from Politecnico di Torino, Prof. Dr. Petar Bojanic from the University of Rijeka, Prof. Dr. Snezana Vesnic from the University of Belgrade, and Prof. Dr. Ognen Marina from “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University in Skopje, offered deep insights into how architecture intersects with diverse fields. More then 20 younf researchers and PhD students took part at the Seminar and presented the findings of their research reflecting on the main topic of the Seminar.

The theme “Beyond” encouraged participants to envision architecture as a dynamic and interdisciplinary platform rather than a rigidly defined field. By pushing the boundaries of traditional architectural studies, the seminar fostered a critical examination of how architecture can evolve by embracing cross-disciplinary approaches. We delved into thought-provoking discussions on maintaining the discipline’s core values while exploring new horizons. The seminar was not just a platform for academic discourse but a call to action, urging us all to rethink, reimagine, and revolutionize the practice and study of architecture in today’s complex world. We look forward to continuing this journey of exploration and innovation in future gatherings.

The 7th International Summer School “Architecture and Philosophy” entitled “Architectural To Be: On the Possibility of Being beyond Being“ was held on September 7th 2024 at the Moise Palace and hosted  speakers from IPST University of Belgrade, TU Graz, Lancaster University and Loughborough University revisiting the meeting ground of Architecture and Philosophy as a productive encounter of two disciplines.

UNIRI The Moise Palace: Cres Island

An education center of the University of Rijeka. A five-hundred-year-old patrician townhouse and the largest Renaissance palace on the Croatian islands. A venue and forum for various scientific and research activities, it welcomes visiting academics, students and scholars.