Venue: Moise Palace, Cres
Dates: Tuesday, May 3rd – Saturday, May 7th
The 2022 Cres – Summer School workshop raises the question of the projective character of theory. Genuine innovation in architecture, we argue, is always a project of theory. By making visible the immanent deficits, the social conditions and paradoxes of architecture, critical theory opens up architecture to the new.
This is all the more important today, when under pressure of debates about sustainability, energy balances and certifications, architecture practice is increasingly dominated by instrumental, technical reason. There is even a belief that theory can be dispensed with altogether. This, however, must be countered with the assertion that there is no institution of architecture without theory. Echoing the philosopher Christine Blättler, it can be said that theory directs the “gaze from metaphysical sense to material intrinsic meaning.” This also means that theory makes architecture possible in the first place: there is no true innovation without theory.
Organizers: Center for Advanced Studies – South East Europe, DeltaLab (University of Rijeka), Technical University Berlin, Politecnico Torino, PerspectLab, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory (University of Belgrade).
Suggested topics will include, but are not limited to:
- The role of theory for the practice of architecture
- The relationship between architecture and other disciplines, such as philosophy, sociology, theory of art, science, etc.
- The social conditions of architecture work and the relationship of architecture practice to social and critical theory
- The reconceptualization of theory in the age of the Anthropocene
- The theoretical models that underlie the concepts of current architecture practice
- Theory as a medium of innovation: How can theory become the medium through which the new finds its way into the conception and practice of architecture?
- The ontology of architecture objects
Application Procedure
This summer school is open to graduate students at all stages of their studies. Students will be asked to read texts in advance, present on topics agreed upon with the course directors and actively participate in the meetings.
ECTS points are available for MA and PhD students. The requirements for ECTS credits are (i) participation in at least 80% of all lectures, (ii) presentation of a previously prepared original paper on the topic of the course or discussion papers on the papers provided by lecturers. The organizers will prepare the official certificate, which will include a detailed overview of the students’ obligations (sufficient for 3 ECTS). Whether ECTS will be recognized as parts of their academic programs or as additional achievements in diploma supplements depends solely on the institutions that the students come from.
Applications should be sent via E-mail to the following address
Participants should prepare presentations 20 minutes in length, on topics of their research and allow a further 10 minutes for discussion following course descriptions.
We kindly ask for the following email subject: “APP Last name of applicant.” The complete proposal in .doc, .docx or .pdf format (Times New Roman, 12, double spaced), needs to contain:
– Abstract (up to 350 words), including title
– Short bio (up to 200 words), including name and surname, affiliation and email address of every author that may be published in the book of abstracts.
The registration fee is 50€ (includes welcome dinner).
Application deadline: April 10, 2022
Notification of acceptance: April 15, 2022
Additional information can be found here: The project of Theory

UNIRI The Moise Palace: Cres Island
An education center of the University of Rijeka. A five-hundred-year-old patrician townhouse and the largest Renaissance palace on the Croatian islands. A venue and forum for various scientific and research activities, it welcomes visiting academics, students and scholars.