CAS SEE Seminars with Guests: Kristina Millona
ZoomViolent invisibilization of non-normative sexualities under Hoxhas regime. The problem of archives, in conversation with our Fellow Endi Tupja.
CAS SEE Seminars with Guests: Liz Orembo & Scott Timcke
ZoomLiz Orembo and Scott Timcke on The Slow Violence of Artificial Intelligence, in conversation with our Fellow Javier Toscano.
CAS SEE Seminars with Guests: Lucien Vilhalva de Campos
ZoomAnalysis and Presentation of Results about a Roundtable on the Sea Rescue Cause in the Central Mediterranean, in conversation with our Fellow Javier Toscano.
The Path to Energy Communities Based on Renewable Energy Sources
The conference "The Path to Energy Communities Based on Renewable Energy [...]
ŠiZ – multi-day meeting with teachers at the Moise Palace
As part of monitoring the introduction and implementation of the [...]
Workshop: Research Group REVENANT
Members of the Research Group REVENANT (ERC Consolidator Grant #101002908), based at [...]
CAS SEE Seminars with Guests: Paul Dumouchel
ZoomCAS SEE Seminar with Paul Dumouchel on Violence and accusation, in conversation with our Fellow Andreas Wilmes.
Southeast European Jewish Studies Network
ShoahLab organized a second, two-day meeting on the project to [...]
CAS SEE Seminars with Guests: Edward P. Joseph
On Thursday, May 25th at 12 PM (CET), we are hosting the [...]
2nd Workshop on Social Research in Societies in Transition
On the 5th and 6th of June 2023, researchers from the Centre [...]
CAS SEE Seminars with Guests: Zorica Siročić
ZoomFestivals as Reparative Gender Politics: Millennial Feminism in Southeastern Europe, in conversation with our Fellow Leda Sutlović.