

Moise Palace, Cres, Croatia


4-8 September, 2024



“Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University in Skopje


University of Rijeka


Regional Network of Centers for Advanced Studies in Southeast Europe

organising commitee

Prof. Dr. Biljana Angelova, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University in Skopje, North Macedonia

Prof. Dr. Snježana Prijić Samaržija, University of Rijeka, Croatia

Prof. Dr. Ognen Marina, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University in Skopje, North Macedonia

Prof. Dr. Snezana Vesnic, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Prof. Dr. Petar Bojanic, University of Rijeka, Croatia

Prof. Dr. Michele Bonino, Politecnico di Torino, Italy

Prof. Dr. Per-Johan Dahl, Lund University, Sweden

The 4th Moise Architectural Seminar: BEYOND

The 4th Moise Architectural Seminar, titled “Beyond,” ventures into an explorative journey that transcends traditional disciplinary boundaries, embarking on a quest to redefine the scope and impact of architectural research. This seminar aims to foster a radical rethinking of architectural studies, urging participants to contemplate and investigate beyond the conventional frameworks of architecture, urbanism, geography, and even beyond the tangible confines of cities and the intangible nuances of cultures and politics.

At the heart of “Beyond” lies the challenge to participants to envision architecture not merely as a practice confined to its technical nature but as a multidisciplinary platform that intersects with various fields of study and aspects of human life. This approach advocates for a holistic understanding of architecture’s role in shaping and being shaped by the socio-political, cultural, and environmental landscapes it inhabits.

The theme draws inspiration from the challenges of the traditional notions of disciplinary boundaries, arguing for a fluid and dynamic understanding of discipline that allows for cross-pollination of ideas and methodologies. This critique forms a foundational pillar for the seminar’s theme, prompting a reflection on how architecture can evolve by embracing interdisciplinary approaches and by daring to venture into uncharted territories.

However, while insight of the discipline can offer insightful perspectives on the flexibility and permeability of disciplinary boundaries, the seminar “Beyond” seeks to critique and expand upon ones’ research positions. It raises critical questions about the potential risks and challenges of diluting disciplinary specificity. Can architecture maintain its core identity and integrity while engaging in this expansive dialogue? How can architects ensure that in their quest to transcend boundaries, they do not lose sight of the unique values and perspectives that architecture brings to the table?

The seminar encourages a critical examination of these questions, advocating for a balanced approach that respects the depth and richness of architectural tradition while boldly exploring new horizons. It invites participants to engage in a multidimensional discourse, drawing from diverse fields of knowledge to enrich and expand the architectural imagination. “Beyond” represents not just a theme but a call to action—a challenge to rethink, reimagine, and revolutionize the practice and study of architecture in the 21st century.