Legalising informal construction in Rijeka "This presentation is an extension of the original [...]
Legalising informal construction in Rijeka "This presentation is an extension of the original [...]
Architectural terRI(s)tories[1]: mapping the process of city transformation [1] Architectural [...]
The Re-Radicalization of Critical Thinking. Toward a Global Social [...]
The conference investigated the concept of testimony, notably war [...]
Fashion Week is a seasonal showcase of the Sweet [...]
Fashion Week is the seasonal showcase of Sweet&Salt flagship, [...]
The coming year will mark three decades since the [...]
The Science and Culture: Trieste & Rijeka 2020: University of [...]
Organizers: Center for Cultural Decontamination, Belgrade; The Institute for Philosophy [...]
CAS SEE Fellows have participated in the international Conference Cultures [...]