On Thursday, 19th November at the Moise Palace dr. sc. Sanja Smojver Ažić held a lecture on “Challenges of Parenting”. The lecture dealt with various aspects of what it means to be a parent these days, tackling various issues of modern-day parenthood. Today we tend to treat children as “small adults”, but what does that mean exactly? Is their “happiness” really the main goal of parenting? Today’s children become independent at a later age than ever before, and parents feel the responsibility to prepare them for a world that is more and more difficult to grasp – from dealing with social networks to an array of more serious issues.

Dr. sc. Sanja Smojver Ažić works at the Department of Psychology of the University of Rijeka. She is a renowned expert on developmental psychology and the psychology of parenting.

This lecture was the third consecutive lecture held at the Moise Palace to be streamed online through the Facebook Live platform. Online participants also had the opportunity to directly post comments and questions which were then read out loud.

The lecture is available for watching at Moise Palace Facebook page: facebook.com/moisepalace/

Photos by Renato Muškardin